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Marketing tips for architectural practices
Architectural practices often ask us, "what are your top tips for architecture marketing".
So, here we go...
Be proactive and get in there first
Build relationships with prospective clients before they have appointed a practice to a project.
- Make contact in a non-sales, win-win environment
- Attend networking or 'meet the architects' events
- Like those run by New London Architecture, e.g Des Res
- Share your opinions, advice and knowledge to the outside world
- Do this via the press, your website, blogs, social media and speaking engagements
Use technology
As clients increasingly use technology so much architects.
If for no other reason that to be seen to keep up.
- Use social media effectively
- Don't just use it as a broadcast tool
- Solicit enquiries, ask opinions, answer questions, address concerns
- Twitter, Instagram and Facebook are two-way communications tools.
- Use SEO and SEM
- SEO (or search engine optimisation) is free as long as you put the effort in
- Draw up a content strategy so you have relevant, interesting and useful content on your website
- Also, you need to know what search terms your audiences are using
- If you have great content that is search optimised you will appear toward the top of a search results page
- Make sure you update your website and social media regularly
- Don't upload poor imagery
- Enable visitors to subscribe for updates
Build your brand
Your brand identity is not just a logo.
It’s made up of range of elements that collectively let your audiences know who you are and what you stand for.
- Your name and logo are critical to ensuring you appear in the best light
- But your brand alos includes how you communicate, your values, your products and services
- Ultimately your brand is about reputation
- You brand help you gain the confidence of clients, suppliers, staff
- First imrepssions count
Work with complimentary organisations
No one works in a vacuum.
There are loads of opportunities to get involved with others to help raise your profile.
- Get out there and get involved by taking part in events
- Entering awards and competition
- Build links with organisations with local charities
Generate insight
Understanding the market or markets in which you operate is critical.
This includes your competition and your clients, the legislative environment, future trends, etc.
- Ask what your clients think (honestly)
- Listen to their feedback and act upon it
- Carry out regualt competitor research
- Make sure you know what's happening in your target sectors and potential future sectors
- Analyse the results and feedback to your team (even if that's just you)